Published in: British Journal of Cancer
Authors: Gal Shafirstein, David A. Bellnier, Emily Oakley, Sasheen Hamilton, Michael Habitzruther, Lawrence Tworek, Alan Hutson, Joseph A. Spernyak, Sandra Sexton, Leslie Curtin, Steven G. Turowski, Hassan Arshad, Barbara Henderson
Currently delivered light dose (J/cm2) is the principal parameter guiding interstitial photodynamic therapy (I-PDT) of refractory locally advanced cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of light dose rate (irradiance, mW/cm2) and associated heating on tumour response and cure.
Laser was used to activate Photofrin in interstitial PDT (I-PDT) optimization study testing the PDT effect of different laser irradiances in tumor-bearing mice & rabbits. Local tumor control was achieved, and incresing the irradiance was found to be associated with tissue heating.