Tampere, September 17th, 2002 – Modulight, Inc., an ISO 9001:2000 certified manufacturer of high-performance optical components for telecommunications, announced government contracts for developing next generation optical components for high performance telecommunication systems. Part of the funding comes from National Technology Agency of Finland (Tekes). 18 and 24 months programsa have a total budget of about 0,8M EUR .
“We have a number of promising young companies in the field of optical communications, and Modulight certainly excels in MBE processing of high-end quality components. Tekes wishes to share the risks associated with Modulight’s challenging projects, because we believe in the strong and inevitable growth of optical communications despite the recent global decline”, says Dr. Knuuttila, Programme Manager in Tekes.
“We are very pleased to see that Tekes has decided to support our vision especially now that government funds are scarce”, commented Dr. Petteri Uusimaa President & CEO, Modulight, Inc. Dr. Uusimaa continues: “The programs aim at supporting our long-term research plans and ease us to proceed faster towards new interesting applications for transmitter and receiver technologies.”
Tekes, the National Technology Agency finances research and development (R&D) projects of companies and universities in Finland. The funds are awarded from state budget via the Ministry of Trade and Industry. The impact of Tekes activities is felt in Finland as increasing exports, a broader industrial base, more jobs and an improvement in the general welfare of society. Tekes also coordinates and finances Finnish participation in international technology initiatives. Tekes and its technology programmes offer excellent channels for cooperation with Finnish key players in R&D. Tekes has a network of Technology Counsellors in USA, Japan and Brussels whose aim is to increase technological cooperation.
About Modulight, Inc.
Modulight is an ISO 9001:2000 certified manufacturer of high-performance optical subcomponents (laser die / chip) for datacommunications and telecommunications. The company achieved its first profitable result in 2002. Modulight creates unique business advantages for component and subsystem manufacturers worldwide by offering flexible high performance products, advanced design capabilities, and agile and reliable volume production capacity. Our products, based on semiconductor layers, are designed to increase the capacity and to enable the creation of flexible, scalable and cost-effective Metropolitan (METRO), Access and Enterprise networks.
Contact information
Modulight, Inc.
Mr. Seppo Orsila
Vice President
Tel: +358 20 743 9000
Fax: +358 20 743 9009