Tag Archives: ML6600

Modulight launches ML6600 for Flow Cytometry and Quantum Computing

Next week at Photonics West 2024, Modulight will unveil significant new additions to the ML6600 laser solution platform. These new innovations include a specialized laser engine tailored for Flow Cytometry applications, and advanced DBR laser cores designed specifically for the Quantum Computing market. Our #LaserFamily are presenting 11 conference papers plus participating in a technical panel, across the Photonics West conferences BIOS, OPTO, LASE and QUANTUM WEST. You can see the list here. ML6600 for Flow Cytometry – Laser engine with active beam steering The newest product utilizing the ML6600 platform is a specialized laser engine for the Continue reading →Next week at Photonics West 2024, Modulight will unveil significant new additions to the ML6600 laser solution platform. These new innovations include a specialized laser engine tailored for Flow Cytometry applications, and advanced DBR laser cores designed specifically for the Quantum Computing market. Our #LaserFamily are presenting 11 conference papers plus participating in a technical panel, across the Photonics West conferences BIOS, OPTO, LASE and QUANTUM WEST. You can see the list here. ML6600 for Flow Cytometry – Laser engine with active beam steering The newest product utilizing the ML6600 platform is a specialized laser engine for the Continue reading →

Red-Light Activation of a Microtubule Polymerization Inhibitor via Amide Functionalization of the Ruthenium Photocage

Published in: Angew Chem Int Ed Authors: Ludovic Bretin, Yurii Husiev, Vadde Ramu, Liyan Zhang, Matthijs Hakkennes, Selda Abyar, Andrew C. Johns, Sylvia E. Le Dévédec, Tania Betancourt, Alexander Kornienko, Sylvestre Bonnet Leiden University A ruthenium-based compound was developed for PACT (photoactivated chemotherapy), which unlike most existing PACT compounds, can be also activated with clinically relevant longer (red) wavelength of light. ML6600 was used for in vivo experiments to superficially activate PACT compound in subcutaneous tumor comparing green and red wavelengths. The tumor volume reduction was Continue reading →

Modulight Spotlights: LASER-SHARP RESEARCH – October 2023

 Modulight Spotlights: LASER-SHARP RESEARCH – October 2023 ​Antimicrobial resistance is an increasing healthcare problem, with new effective treatment strategies urgently needed. Professor Mitsunaga and team at The Jikei University Medical School, Japan, describe a promising treatment called photoimmuno-antimicrobial strategy (PIAS) in a new Nature publication. Detailed instructions how to design and implement the treatment are given, with Modulight’s ML7710 and ML6600 series lasers validated for drug activation in the protocol. This treatment enables targeted elimination of different microbes, regardless of the species or drug resistance Continue reading →

Photoimmunotechnology as a powerful biological tool for molecular-based elimination of target cells and microbes, including bacteria, fungi and viruses

Published in: Nature Protocols Authors: Tadayuki Iwase, Kimihiro Ito, Takashi Nishimura, Kei Miyakawa, Akihide Ryo, Hisataka Kobayashi, Makoto Mitsunaga The Jikei University School of Medicine  Published in: Nature Protocols Authors: Tadayuki Iwase, Kimihiro Ito, Takashi Nishimura, Kei Miyakawa, Akihide Ryo, Hisataka Kobayashi, Makoto Mitsunaga The Jikei University School of Medicine Microbial pathogens, including bacteria, fungi and viruses, can develop resistance to clinically used drugs; therefore, finding new therapeutic agents is an ongoing challenge. Recently, we reported the photoimmuno-antimicrobial strategy (PIAS), a type of photoimmunotechnology, that enables molecularly targeted elimination of a wide range of microbes, including the viral pathogen severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and the multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogen Continue reading →

Modulight Spotlights: LASER-SHARP RESEARCH – September 2023

 Modulight Spotlights: LASER-SHARP RESEARCH – September 2023 Head & neck cancer is world’s sixth most common cancer, with increasing incidence and poor survival. A new study by P. Enzian & R. Rahmanzadeh at University of Lübeck, studied combining chemotherapy with photochemical internalization for more effective H&N cancer treatment in vitro. Photochemical internalization using photosensitizer fimaporfin, activated with Modulight’s ML6600 laser, was shown to increase drug’s efficacy by means of better drug delivery inside the cells. As a result, tumor cell death was achieved using 20-fold Continue reading →

Transient fluid flow improves photoimmunoconjugate delivery and photoimmunotherapy efficacy

Published in: iScience Authors: Aaron J. Sorrin, Keri Zhou, Katherine May, Cindy Liu, Kathryn McNaughton, Idrisa Rahman, Barry J. Liang, Imran Rizvi, Dana M. Roque, Huang-Chiao Huang    Published in: iScience Authors: Aaron J. Sorrin, Keri Zhou, Katherine May, Cindy Liu, Kathryn McNaughton, Idrisa Rahman, Barry J. Liang, Imran Rizvi, Dana M. Roque, Huang-Chiao Huang   The study showed that fluid flow induced shear stress increased the photocytotoxicity of different photosensitizers tested (BPD, PIC, PIC-coated liposome) against ovarian cancer cells. The cellular delivery of photosensitizers doubled compared to static conditions. Modulight laser was used for PDT activation together with photosensitizer(s). Circulating drugs in the peritoneal cavity is an effective strategy for advanced ovarian Continue reading →

Modulight Spotlights: LASER-SHARP RESEARCH – April 2023

 Modulight Spotlights: LASER-SHARP RESEARCH – April 2023 Metastases remain the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. To combat this problem, Ruben V. Huis in ‘t Veld et al. combined immune checkpoint inhibitors with a light-activated virus-drug conjugate in their preclinical study. As published in Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy journal, the combination was effective against metastatic tumors and in most cases even resulted in complete responses to therapy. ​​ Read original publication   Modulight is very happy to be supporting this research. We would like to deliver our Continue reading →

Immune checkpoint inhibition combined with targeted therapy using a novel virus‑like drug conjugate induces complete responses in a murine model of local and distant tumors

Published in: Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy Authors: Ruben V. Huis in ‘t Veld, Sen Ma, Rhonda C. Kines, Anneli Savinainen, Cadmus Rich, Ferry Ossendorp, Martine J. Jager    Published in: Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy Authors: Ruben V. Huis in ‘t Veld, Sen Ma, Rhonda C. Kines, Anneli Savinainen, Cadmus Rich, Ferry Ossendorp, Martine J. Jager   AU-011 combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) was studied in murine models. This has potential to improve treatment efficacy against metastatic tumors by abscopal immune effects. ICI was shown to increase AU-011 efficacy and also result in abscopal effect and induced complete responses in 75% of animals. ML6700 was used as illumination source for PDT. Metastases remain the Continue reading →

Fluorescence-guided, targeted photochemotherapy of peritoneal carcinomatosis

Presented in: SPIE BIOS 2023 Authors: Barry J. Liang, Robert Perttilä, Sumiao Pang, Chen-Hua Ma, Payal Srivastava, Brandon Gaitan, Aaron J. Sorrin, Zoe Ylöniemi, Dana Roque, Tayyaba Hasan, Petteri Uusimaa, Huang-Chiao Huang    Presented in: SPIE BIOS 2023 Authors: Barry J. Liang, Robert Perttilä, Sumiao Pang, Chen-Hua Ma, Payal Srivastava, Brandon Gaitan, Aaron J. Sorrin, Zoe Ylöniemi, Dana Roque, Tayyaba Hasan, Petteri Uusimaa, Huang-Chiao Huang   Management of peritoneally metastatic cancer is a major clinical challenge. Peritoneal carcinomatosis is observed in 50% of colorectal cancer patients and >75% of ovarian cancer patients at the time of diagnosis. Selected patients based on age, comorbidities, and extent of the metastatic disease, will undergo complete cytoreductive surgery to remove the visible Continue reading →

Configurable multiwavelength narrow linewidth laser system for quantum applications

Presented in: SPIE Quantum West 2023 Authors: Kostiantyn Nechay, Luukas Kuusela, Ossi Mäkinen, Riina Ulkuniemi, Pekko Sipilä, Kalle Palomäki, Petteri Uusimaa    Presented in: SPIE Quantum West 2023 Authors: Kostiantyn Nechay, Luukas Kuusela, Ossi Mäkinen, Riina Ulkuniemi, Pekko Sipilä, Kalle Palomäki, Petteri Uusimaa   Single-frequency laser sources serve as a backbone for quantum computing and metrology technologies and applications. Availability of integrated laser systems delivering tailored multiwavelength emission across optical spectrum is a defining factor for further quantum technologies development and commercialization. Modulight demonstrates highly integrated ML6600 laser system for cooling and repumping of 87Rb atoms at D2 line. Such laser system incorporates driving electronics, internal spectroscopy-locked Continue reading →