Tag Archives: medical

Protected: Workshop on the best practices in clinical photodynamic therapy Password Protected

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.Fri 24th April 6 pm, Gaylord Palms Resort, Kissimmee, FL Topics PDT dosimetry – Dr. Gal Shafirstein, Roswell Park Cancer Center, Buffalo, NY [embeddoc url="https://modulight.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ASMLS-2015-PDT-Workshop-Prof.-Shafirstein-Final.pptx" width="280px" height="210px" download="all" viewer="microsoft"] Head & Neck – Dr. Merrill Biel, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN Cholangiocarsinoma & Esophageal – Dr. Herbert C. Wolfsen, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL [embeddoc url="https://modulight.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ASLMS_2015_Jones-Wolfsen.pptx" width="280px" height="210px" download="all" viewer="microsoft] Thoracic PDT – Dr. Patrick Ross Jr, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Mesothelioma – Dr. Keith Cengel, Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA Breast – Dr. Continue reading →

Modulight launches the world’s first multi indication CE and ETL certified medical laser

Tampere, January 28, 2015 – Modulight, Inc., a leading biomedical laser manufacturer announced today ML7710 laser platform launch and certification. Unlike other lasers in the industry Modulight ML7710 has been certified and supports a wide range of indications and configurations. Medical CE and ETL marking are valid for all multi-channel (1–8 outputs) laser configurations between 400–2000nm and up to 15W vs. typical application and wavelength specific support. ML7710 supports directly several laser based treatment modalities, like photodynamic therapy (PDT), laser surgery, photo disinfection, and photo coagulation. This saves Continue reading →

Modulight ML7710-PDT laser platform CB testing completed

Tampere, Finland, September 09, 2014 – Modulight, Inc., an ISO13485 certified laser manufacturer based in Tampere, Finland and San Jose CA, announced today a landmark in medical laser technology. For the first time medical companies can purchase a multi-wavelength turnkey laser system with all design and hardware documentation ready for CE certification or FDA approval through PMA or 510(k) process. The CB certified laser system is also offered as a private label turnkey solution with a possibility for customized treatment protocols. ML7710-PDT product platform has been certified against Continue reading →

University & research centre discount program

Good news for research groups at universities & research centres! To celebrate our success with medical systems and good improvement in our fiscal year profit, Modulight has launched a 2-month university discount program to demonstrate our commitment to support research and development in the field of laser medicine. Any qualifying customer that issues a new medical laser system order by the end of October 2014 will receive an automatic 10% discount.     PRODUCT LINKS | ML7710-PDT » | ML7700 turnkey laser platform » | ML6700-PDT laser modules » | Illumination kit »Good news for research groups at universities & research centres! To celebrate our success with medical systems and good improvement in our fiscal year profit, Modulight has launched a 2-month university discount program to demonstrate our commitment to support research and development in the field of laser medicine. Any qualifying customer that issues a new medical laser system order by the end of October 2014 will receive an automatic 10% discount.   Click here to get your discount!   PRODUCT LINKS | ML7710-PDT » | ML7700 turnkey laser platform » | ML6700-PDT laser modules » | Illumination kit »


[slideshow_deploy id=’488′] Oncology Modulight laser systems are ideal solution for oncology, surgery & bacteria removal (photo disinfection). In Photodynamic therapy (PDT) alone – tens of hospitals use our systems. Our ML7710 is the most configurable laser platform in the world and boasts a unique platform approval. It boasts up to 8 channels, multiple wavelengths, tens of Watts optical power from 400 to 2000nm. All platform certification to accelerate your product development or clinical trials. Our systems boast unparalleled flexibility and ease-of-use. Produts are supported with Continue reading →[slideshow_deploy id='488'] Oncology Modulight laser systems are ideal solution for oncology, surgery & bacteria removal (photo disinfection). In Photodynamic therapy (PDT) alone – tens of hospitals use our systems. Our ML7710 is the most configurable laser platform in the world and boasts a unique platform approval. It boasts up to 8 channels, multiple wavelengths, tens of Watts optical power from 400 to 2000nm. All platform certification to accelerate your product development or clinical trials. Our systems boast unparalleled flexibility and ease-of-use. Produts are supported with Continue reading →

Medical laser system ML7710 – Tool for professionals

ML7710Laser Platform for Clinical UseML7710 is the most versatile multichannel, multi-indication and cloud connected medical laser in the world. ML7710 supports all known photosensitizers and user-friendly self-calibration. The treatment flow can be customized for specific needs guaranteeing ultimate patient safety and comfort.Perfect laser for clinical and pre-clinical applications ML7710 is a cloud-connected clinical laser platform, suitable for various medical applications, ranging from photodynamic therapy to fluorescence imaging and photothermal therapy. The system can be equipped with up to eight (8) laser outputs on same or Continue reading →

Workshop on photodynamic therapy

Sat 7th Feb 5.30–9 pm Downtown San Francisco Topics • Discuss possible ways for enhancing the dissemination of PDT for cancer therapy – Prof. Gal Shafirstein, Roswell Park CI • Scope of active clinical studies in PDT – Prof. Keith Cengel, Univ. of Pennsylvania • Diagnosis, fluorescence and spectroscopy – Prof. Brian Pogue, Dartmouth College • Is dose planning enough or should we use online treatment monitoring? – Prof. Timothy Zhu, Univ. of Pennsylvania • Will multiple channel and/or multiple wavelength lasers make our life easier? – Dr. Timothy Baran, Continue reading →Sat 7th Feb 5.30–9 pm Downtown San Francisco Topics • Discuss possible ways for enhancing the dissemination of PDT for cancer therapy – Prof. Gal Shafirstein, Roswell Park CI • Scope of active clinical studies in PDT – Prof. Keith Cengel, Univ. of Pennsylvania • Diagnosis, fluorescence and spectroscopy – Prof. Brian Pogue, Dartmouth College • Is dose planning enough or should we use online treatment monitoring? – Prof. Timothy Zhu, Univ. of Pennsylvania • Will multiple channel and/or multiple wavelength lasers make our life easier? – Dr. Timothy Baran, Continue reading →

Workshop on the best practices in clinical photodynamic therapy

Fri 24th April 6 pm, Gaylord Palms Resort, Kissimmee, FL Workshop presentations Products and accessories on display • ML7710 – CE and ETL marked multi-purpose PDT laser platform • ML6700 – PDT-Illumination laser module tailored to PDT for R&D • ML6600 – Multi-wavelength laser module for PDT • External dose calibration module for PDT lasers NEW • Hand pieces for superficial PDT illumination NEW • Tailored PC software for PDT laser modules Speakers’ biographies   Click here to view our previous workshop at PW-2015. Related products: ML7710 – the tool for professionals »   |   Continue reading →Fri 24th April 6 pm, Gaylord Palms Resort, Kissimmee, FL Workshop presentations PDT dosimetry – Dr. Gal Shafirstein, Roswell Park Cancer Center, Buffalo, NY [embeddoc url=”https://modulight.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ASMLS-2015-PDT-Workshop-Prof.-Shafirstein-Final.pptx” width=”280px” height=”210px” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”] Head & Neck – Dr. Merrill Biel, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN Cholangiocarsinoma & Esophageal – Dr. Herbert C. Wolfsen, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL [embeddoc url=”https://modulight.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ASLMS_2015_Jones-Wolfsen.pptx” width=”280px” height=”210px” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft] Thoracic PDT – Dr. Patrick Ross Jr, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Mesothelioma – Dr. Keith Cengel, Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA Breast – Continue reading →

Modulight launches a product family for photodynamic therapy

Tampere, Finland – Nov 14th 2013 – Modulight, Inc., an ISO13485 certified laser manufacturer based in Tampere, Finland and San Jose CA, announced today a release of an entire light source product family for photodynamic therapy (PDT) illumination. The PDT treatment is based on combination of a photosensitive drug and a laser source that is used to activate a drug in a treated part of a human body. PDT is widely researched and used to treat various cancers, removing bacteria and inflammations, and also to Continue reading →

Modulight launches a turnkey OEM laser system platform to photodynamic therapy

Tampere, Finland – Aug 29th 2013 – Modulight, Inc., based in Tampere, Finland and San Jose CA, announced today the release of ML7710-PDT laser system platform tailored specifically for photodynamic therapy application. It is equipped with all required functionalities for safety and usability in clinical environment. The standard features include easy-to-use touch screen user interface, up to 7 individually addressable fiber output channels, aiming beam, smart internal calibration module, foot/hand switch, fiber sensors and safety interlocks. Figure 1: ML7710-PDT is a multi-channel laser system platform Continue reading →