Tag Archives: DFB

Narrow linewidth 650 nm DBR laser diode for quantum applications

Published in: QUANTUM WEST SPIE 2024 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Luukas Kuusela, Mika Mähönen, Timo Aho, Jussi Hämelahti, Andreas Schramm, Soile Talmila, Pekko Sipilä, Petteri Uusimaa  Published in: QUANTUM WEST SPIE 2024 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Luukas Kuusela, Mika Mähönen, Timo Aho, Jussi Hämelahti, Andreas Schramm, Soile Talmila, Pekko Sipilä, Petteri Uusimaa Laser systems are utilized in quantum for various applications. Multiple wavelengths and tailored solutions are required depending on the technology that the laser will be applied to. For instance, lasers can be used for controlling particles and molecules, including excitations of the quantum systems. Key performance requirements for lasers used in these applications include narrow linewidth, frequency stability, and single-frequency Continue reading →

High brightness long lifetime 650nm single-mode laser diodes and arrays for display, printing, and quantum applications

Published in: LASE SPIE 2024 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Andreas Schramm, Ville Vilokkinen, Jari Nikkinen, Petteri Uusimaa  Published in: LASE SPIE 2024 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Andreas Schramm, Ville Vilokkinen, Jari Nikkinen, Petteri Uusimaa Individually addressable laser diode arrays (IAB) have been first demonstrated in near-infrared wavelengths, 8xx nm and 9xx nm, being mostly utilized in the digital printing industry. When moving towards visible wavelengths, other applications emerge. Examples of these are various display applications, including AR/VR products and head-up-displays. In addition, novel applications for narrow linewidth lasers have emerged in the field of quantum computing. In this paper, we present our latest Continue reading →

Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) Laser Diodes

Introduction to DRB lasers Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) laser diodes are a class of single-frequency monolithic semiconductor lasers. Monolithic semiconductor lasers in general are small in size, mechanically robust, and have good power conversion efficiency. They also provide opportunities for hybrid integration with photonic integrated circuits (PICs). This application note provides an overview of DBR lasers, their principles of operation, their modal behavior, and their diverse applications. Principles of DBR Laser Operation A DBR laser is a semiconductor laser with one or several quantum wells Continue reading →

Configurable multiwavelength narrow linewidth laser system for quantum applications

Presented in: SPIE Quantum West 2023 Authors: Kostiantyn Nechay, Luukas Kuusela, Ossi Mäkinen, Riina Ulkuniemi, Pekko Sipilä, Kalle Palomäki, Petteri Uusimaa    Presented in: SPIE Quantum West 2023 Authors: Kostiantyn Nechay, Luukas Kuusela, Ossi Mäkinen, Riina Ulkuniemi, Pekko Sipilä, Kalle Palomäki, Petteri Uusimaa   Single-frequency laser sources serve as a backbone for quantum computing and metrology technologies and applications. Availability of integrated laser systems delivering tailored multiwavelength emission across optical spectrum is a defining factor for further quantum technologies development and commercialization. Modulight demonstrates highly integrated ML6600 laser system for cooling and repumping of 87Rb atoms at D2 line. Such laser system incorporates driving electronics, internal spectroscopy-locked Continue reading →

Optimization and fabrication of 780 nm DFB lasers for quantum systems

Presented in: SPIE Quantum West 2023 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Luukas Kuusela, Timo Aho, Petteri Uusimaa    Presented in: SPIE Quantum West 2023 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Luukas Kuusela, Timo Aho, Petteri Uusimaa   Laser diode solutions for quantum systems have highly variable requirements, depending on the technology and purpose of the laser used in the application – for instance, quantum control of particles or molecules and excitation of the quantum systems. Requirements of the laser systems used in the mentioned applications are highly demanding, such as single-mode operation, frequency stability over operation lifetime and narrow spectral linewidth. Narrow spectral linewidth can be achieved with Continue reading →

High-density single-mode laser arrays for quantum systems

Published in: SPIE OPTO 2022 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Petri Melanen, Jari Nikkinen, Jari Ovaskainen, Petteri Uusimaa  Published in: SPIE OPTO 2022 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Petri Melanen, Jari Nikkinen, Jari Ovaskainen, Petteri Uusimaa Quantum systems have highly variable requirements and tailored solutions depending on the technology. For instance, lasers are used for quantum control of particles or molecules and excitation for quantum systems. For the latter purpose, suitable applications are frequency comb generation, timing sources for picosecond pulses, and single photon emitters. Key performance parameters for lasers used in this area are single-mode operation, narrow linewidth, and frequency stability. Wavelength of the lasers Continue reading →

High temperature AlGaInAs-based 25g DML-DFB lasers operating in O-band for data center use

Published in: SPIE OPTO 2021 Authors: Antti Saarela, Petri Melanen, Ville Vilokkinen, Luukas Kuusela, Petteri Uusimaa, Pekko Sipilä, Riina Ulkuniemi, Ossi Mäkinen  Published in: SPIE OPTO 2021 Authors: Antti Saarela, Petri Melanen, Ville Vilokkinen, Luukas Kuusela, Petteri Uusimaa, Pekko Sipilä, Riina Ulkuniemi, Ossi Mäkinen Hyperscale datacenters are driving the growth of datacom laser diode market. Small wavelength drift over temperature, small footprint and low power consumption makes directly modulated distributed feedback (DFB) lasers ideal for uncooled operation in intra-datacenter interconnects. DFB lasers require significantly less process steps than electro absorption modulated lasers (EMLs), used typically for higher speeds and longer distances. AlGaInAs-based lasers are exceptionally desirable for uncooled operation compared to InGaAsP because of the Continue reading →

Modulight announces two analog fiber pigtailed laser diodes for CATV

Tampere, May 18th, 2004 – Modulight, Inc. (Tampere, Finland) announced today two new laser products for Cable Television (CATV) and other applications requiring analog transmission of signals in optical fiber. ML-COAX-1310-FP-AL-3 is a coaxial fiber pigtail module with 1310 nm MQW Fabry-Pérot (FP) diode laser based on a proprietary MOCVD and MBE grown epitaxial structure. The laser operates with 3 mW out-of-fiber optical power with 40 mA typical forward current. The device is available with and without isolator. With isolator minimum optical isolation is better Continue reading →

Modulight launches uncooled 1310 nm DFB laser

Tampere, October 31st, 2003 – Modulight, Inc. (Tampere, Finland) has today launched the first in series of uncooled DFB laser products that company has developed to address customer requests. The product is designed for SONET OC-3 to OC-48, SDH STM1 to STM-16, Gigabit Ethernet and Fiber Channel applications that require up to 2.5Gb/s transmission speed. The product has extremely stable performance over temperature range of 0 to 85 deg Centigrade and features a typical Side Mode Suppression Ratio (SMSR) of 43dB. The product has a Continue reading →