Tag Archives: DBR

Introducing Modulight’s Versatile DBR Laser platform

Modulight announces the launch of its latest Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) lasers, offering a configurable wavelength range from 630 nm to 1100 nm. These advanced lasers are designed to meet the high demands in quantum systems, quantum sensing, Raman spectroscopy, and metrology.  Key wavelengths of Modulight DBR laser platform include 633 nm, which is optimized for interferometry and Raman spectroscopy. Wavelengths such as 650 nm, 760 nm, and 935 nm are ideal for Ytterbium/Barium repumping transitions in quantum systems. The 785 nm wavelength is a Continue reading →

Modulight Introduces High-Performance Tapered Amplifiers and DBR MOPA Devices

Modulight is broadening its advanced laser solutions portfolio with a range of tapered amplifier products and monolithic DBR MOPA devices, delivering high output power with excellent beam quality.  Designed for Master Oscillator Power Amplifier (MOPA) configurations, Modulight’s tapered amplifiers ensure efficient amplification while preserving the seed laser’s spectral performance. Spanning a broad wavelength range from 630 nm to ~1700 nm, these amplifiers cater to a wide array of applications, including quantum technologies, sensing, metrology, and more.  To address diverse integration requirements, Modulight offers tapered amplifiers Continue reading →

Modulight 632.8 nm DBR laser: A Superior Alternative to Traditional HeNe lasers

Redefining Laser Technology with Compact and Reliable Alternatives to HeNe LasersRedefining Laser Technology with Compact and Reliable Alternatives to HeNe Lasers Modulight announces the launch of its 632.8 nm Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) semiconductor laser, designed to replace traditional HeNe lasers across a wide range of applications. Leveraging Modulight’s in-house #TailoredLaser capabilities, the 632.8 nm DBR laser offers significant advantages over HeNe lasers, including reduced power consumption and a very compact, robust design that eliminates the need for fragile gas tubes. The 632.8 nm DBR laser features a high power output of up to 25 Continue reading →

ML6600 Multiwavelength Distributed Bragg Reflector Laser Platform for Quantum Applications

Modulight ML6600 Distributed Bragg Reflector laser cores are available at various wavelengths – 650 nm, 760 nm, 780 nm, 785 nm, 795 nm, and 935 nm – relevant to quantum and spectroscopy applications. The fully in-house manufactured laser diodes exhibit reliable high-power operation with down to below 500 kHz linewidth. Designed for highest-quality mechanical, optical and acoustical isolation, and integrated with ML6600 platform’s ultra-low-noise current drivers and accurate temperature controllers, these laser cores show top-notch performance. Both free-space output and single-mode polarization maintaining fiber are Continue reading →Modulight ML6600 Distributed Bragg Reflector laser cores are available at various wavelengths - 650 nm, 760 nm, 780 nm, 785 nm, 795 nm, and 935 nm - relevant to quantum and spectroscopy applications. The fully in-house manufactured laser diodes exhibit reliable high-power operation with down to below 500 kHz linewidth. Designed for highest-quality mechanical, optical and acoustical isolation, and integrated with ML6600 platform’s ultra-low-noise current drivers and accurate temperature controllers, these laser cores show top-notch performance. Both free-space output and single-mode polarization maintaining fiber are Continue reading →

Narrow linewidth 650 nm DBR laser diode for quantum applications

Published in: QUANTUM WEST SPIE 2024 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Luukas Kuusela, Mika Mähönen, Timo Aho, Jussi Hämelahti, Andreas Schramm, Soile Talmila, Pekko Sipilä, Petteri Uusimaa  Published in: QUANTUM WEST SPIE 2024 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Luukas Kuusela, Mika Mähönen, Timo Aho, Jussi Hämelahti, Andreas Schramm, Soile Talmila, Pekko Sipilä, Petteri Uusimaa Laser systems are utilized in quantum for various applications. Multiple wavelengths and tailored solutions are required depending on the technology that the laser will be applied to. For instance, lasers can be used for controlling particles and molecules, including excitations of the quantum systems. Key performance requirements for lasers used in these applications include narrow linewidth, frequency stability, and single-frequency Continue reading →

Narrow linewidth 935 nm DBR laser diode for quantum applications

Published in: OPTO SPIE 2024 Authors: Mika Mähönen, Riina Ulkuniemi, Luukas Kuusela, Timo Aho, Andreas Schramm, Soile Talmila, Pekko Sipilä, Petteri Uusimaa  Published in: OPTO SPIE 2024 Authors: Mika Mähönen, Riina Ulkuniemi, Luukas Kuusela, Timo Aho, Andreas Schramm, Soile Talmila, Pekko Sipilä, Petteri Uusimaa Laser systems with ultra-stable and narrow linewidth operation are a crucial part for many quantum computing and quantum sensing technologies, such as trapped ion and neutral ion approaches. The particular interest in this work is the fabrication of a 935 nm Distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) laser which can be used to repump Yb ions permitting Doppler cooling. DBR’s can provide output powers in Continue reading →

Narrow linewidth DBR and MOPA laser systems for quantum applications in the 7xx nm regime

Published in: OPTO SPIE 2024 Authors: Luukas Kuusela, Timo Aho, Riina Ulkuniemi, Mika Mähönen, Jussi Hämelahti, Andreas Schramm, Soile Talmila, Pekko Sipilä, Petteri Uusimaa  Published in: OPTO SPIE 2024 Authors: Luukas Kuusela, Timo Aho, Riina Ulkuniemi, Mika Mähönen, Jussi Hämelahti, Andreas Schramm, Soile Talmila, Pekko Sipilä, Petteri Uusimaa Lasers are a key enabling technology in the field of quantum computing, quantum sensing and quantum metrology. These applications require technically challenging properties from the lasers in use, such as stable and precisely controlled wavelength, up to watt level output power, and a narrow linewidth. Semiconductor diode lasers offer a very compact size, low power consumption, as well as scalability of Continue reading →

High brightness long lifetime 650nm single-mode laser diodes and arrays for display, printing, and quantum applications

Published in: LASE SPIE 2024 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Andreas Schramm, Ville Vilokkinen, Jari Nikkinen, Petteri Uusimaa  Published in: LASE SPIE 2024 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Andreas Schramm, Ville Vilokkinen, Jari Nikkinen, Petteri Uusimaa Individually addressable laser diode arrays (IAB) have been first demonstrated in near-infrared wavelengths, 8xx nm and 9xx nm, being mostly utilized in the digital printing industry. When moving towards visible wavelengths, other applications emerge. Examples of these are various display applications, including AR/VR products and head-up-displays. In addition, novel applications for narrow linewidth lasers have emerged in the field of quantum computing. In this paper, we present our latest Continue reading →

Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) Laser Diodes

Introduction to DRB lasers Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) laser diodes are a class of single-frequency monolithic semiconductor lasers. Monolithic semiconductor lasers in general are small in size, mechanically robust, and have good power conversion efficiency. They also provide opportunities for hybrid integration with photonic integrated circuits (PICs). This application note provides an overview of DBR lasers, their principles of operation, their modal behavior, and their diverse applications. Principles of DBR Laser Operation A DBR laser is a semiconductor laser with one or several quantum wells Continue reading →

Configurable multiwavelength narrow linewidth laser system for quantum applications

Presented in: SPIE Quantum West 2023 Authors: Kostiantyn Nechay, Luukas Kuusela, Ossi Mäkinen, Riina Ulkuniemi, Pekko Sipilä, Kalle Palomäki, Petteri Uusimaa    Presented in: SPIE Quantum West 2023 Authors: Kostiantyn Nechay, Luukas Kuusela, Ossi Mäkinen, Riina Ulkuniemi, Pekko Sipilä, Kalle Palomäki, Petteri Uusimaa   Single-frequency laser sources serve as a backbone for quantum computing and metrology technologies and applications. Availability of integrated laser systems delivering tailored multiwavelength emission across optical spectrum is a defining factor for further quantum technologies development and commercialization. Modulight demonstrates highly integrated ML6600 laser system for cooling and repumping of 87Rb atoms at D2 line. Such laser system incorporates driving electronics, internal spectroscopy-locked Continue reading →