Tag Archives: COD

Output beam engineering with 2-step ridge etching

Presented in: SPIE OPTO 2023 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Ville Vilokkinen, Petri Melanen, Petteri Uusimaa    Presented in: SPIE OPTO 2023 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Ville Vilokkinen, Petri Melanen, Petteri Uusimaa   Silicon photonics offers platforms to build mass-producible optical circuits. Extremely small optical components are required for this purpose, so fiber coupled systems are an order of magnitude too large. In order to successfully integrate laser source to the circuits, output beam properties have to be controlled and desired for the purpose. When fabricating single-mode ridge waveguide (RWG) laser diodes, ridge width has to be narrow enough for ensuring single-mode operation. Continue reading →