Tag Archives: chip

High temperature AlGaInAs-based 25g DML-DFB lasers operating in O-band for data center use

Published in: SPIE OPTO 2021 Authors: Antti Saarela, Petri Melanen, Ville Vilokkinen, Luukas Kuusela, Petteri Uusimaa, Pekko Sipilä, Riina Ulkuniemi, Ossi Mäkinen  Published in: SPIE OPTO 2021 Authors: Antti Saarela, Petri Melanen, Ville Vilokkinen, Luukas Kuusela, Petteri Uusimaa, Pekko Sipilä, Riina Ulkuniemi, Ossi Mäkinen Hyperscale datacenters are driving the growth of datacom laser diode market. Small wavelength drift over temperature, small footprint and low power consumption makes directly modulated distributed feedback (DFB) lasers ideal for uncooled operation in intra-datacenter interconnects. DFB lasers require significantly less process steps than electro absorption modulated lasers (EMLs), used typically for higher speeds and longer distances. AlGaInAs-based lasers are exceptionally desirable for uncooled operation compared to InGaAsP because of the Continue reading →

High-efficiency and reliable pump lasers for fiber lasers

Published in: SPIE LASE 2021 Authors: Jari Nikkinen, Soile Talmila, Ville Vilokkinen, Petri Melanen, Antti Saarela, Lasse Orsila, Jari Sillanpää, Petteri Uusimaa, Seppo Orsila  Published in: SPIE LASE 2021 Authors: Jari Nikkinen, Soile Talmila, Ville Vilokkinen, Petri Melanen, Antti Saarela, Lasse Orsila, Jari Sillanpää, Petteri Uusimaa, Seppo Orsila The demand for fiber lasers has increased due to widening of application areas and higher power levels. As fiber lasers have become the main workhorse for high power material processing applications and competition among fiber laser manufacturers have become more evident, the laser manufacturers are in the process to find ways to lower overall cost of ownership to become more competitive. Key Continue reading →

Modulight releases high-power single-mode lasers at 1310-1650nm for OTDR and other metrology applications

Tampere, Finland & San Jose, CA, Sep 16th 2010 – Modulight announced today a set of high-power single lateral mode lasers ideal for optical time-domain reflectometer (OTDR) and other metrology applications. The lasers produce up to 300mW pulsed optical power and cover all conventional wavelengths between 1310 nm and 1650 nm. The products are offered in different formats ranging from laser chips to TO-cans and coaxial PCB mountable fiber pigtailed modules. On request, products can be also integrated into a PCB mountable dual or triple Continue reading →

Modulight launches uncooled 1310 nm DFB laser

Tampere, October 31st, 2003 – Modulight, Inc. (Tampere, Finland) has today launched the first in series of uncooled DFB laser products that company has developed to address customer requests. The product is designed for SONET OC-3 to OC-48, SDH STM1 to STM-16, Gigabit Ethernet and Fiber Channel applications that require up to 2.5Gb/s transmission speed. The product has extremely stable performance over temperature range of 0 to 85 deg Centigrade and features a typical Side Mode Suppression Ratio (SMSR) of 43dB. The product has a Continue reading →

Modulight introduces 10 Gb/s Fabry-Pérot laser

Tampere, Finland, Januray 10th, 2003 – Modulight, Inc., a manufacturer of high- performance optical semiconductor components, today announced that its new 1310 nm Fabry-Pérot laser chip for 10 Gb/s transmission is available for purchase in volumes. The product is especially designed for uncooled serial 10 Gb/s transceivers and transponders for very short reach link distances. With this latest addition to its product portfolio, Modulight completes its 1310 nm FP product family, previously already offering products for up to 2.5 Gb/s modulation speeds. The 100 % tested 10 Gb/s FP laser chip is Continue reading →

Modulight introduces 1310 nm laser products

Tampere, March 14, 2002 – Modulight, Inc., a manufacturer of high-performance semiconductor components for optical fiber communication today announced a new family of laser chip products. The Fabry-Pérot laser chips, emitting at 1310 nm, are especially designed for uncooled transponders, transceivers and transmitters. The chips for 622 Mb/s, 1.25 Gb/s, 2.5 Gb/s and 10 Gb/s components are intended for short and intermediate reach applications like SONET/SDH and ATM data links and transceivers for Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Ethernet, OIF VSR-4, Fiber Channel, and InfiniBand. The 100 % Continue reading →