Tag Archives: benzoporphyrin

Transient fluid flow improves photoimmunoconjugate delivery and photoimmunotherapy efficacy

Published in: iScience Authors: Aaron J. Sorrin, Keri Zhou, Katherine May, Cindy Liu, Kathryn McNaughton, Idrisa Rahman, Barry J. Liang, Imran Rizvi, Dana M. Roque, Huang-Chiao Huang    Published in: iScience Authors: Aaron J. Sorrin, Keri Zhou, Katherine May, Cindy Liu, Kathryn McNaughton, Idrisa Rahman, Barry J. Liang, Imran Rizvi, Dana M. Roque, Huang-Chiao Huang   The study showed that fluid flow induced shear stress increased the photocytotoxicity of different photosensitizers tested (BPD, PIC, PIC-coated liposome) against ovarian cancer cells. The cellular delivery of photosensitizers doubled compared to static conditions. Modulight laser was used for PDT activation together with photosensitizer(s). Circulating drugs in the peritoneal cavity is an effective strategy for advanced ovarian Continue reading →