Tag Archives: 780 nm

Introducing Modulight’s Versatile DBR Laser platform

Modulight announces the launch of its latest Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) lasers, offering a configurable wavelength range from 630 nm to 1100 nm. These advanced lasers are designed to meet the high demands in quantum systems, quantum sensing, Raman spectroscopy, and metrology.  Key wavelengths of Modulight DBR laser platform include 633 nm, which is optimized for interferometry and Raman spectroscopy. Wavelengths such as 650 nm, 760 nm, and 935 nm are ideal for Ytterbium/Barium repumping transitions in quantum systems. The 785 nm wavelength is a Continue reading →

Phototruncation cell tracking with near-infrared photoimmunotherapy using heptamethine cyanine dye to visualise migratory dynamics of immune cells

Published in: eBioMedicine Authors: Hiroshi Fukushima, Aki Furusawa, Seiichiro Takao, Siddharth S. Matikonda, Makoto Kano, Shuhei Okuyama, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Peter L. Choyke, Martin J. Schnermann, Hisataka Kobayashi  Published in: eBioMedicine Authors: Hiroshi Fukushima, Aki Furusawa, Seiichiro Takao, Siddharth S. Matikonda, Makoto Kano, Shuhei Okuyama, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Peter L. Choyke, Martin J. Schnermann, Hisataka Kobayashi A new method called phototruncation-assisted cell tracking (PACT) can be used to noninvasively track migration of immune cells to understand anti-cancer immunity mechanisms. PACT is based on irreversible photo-induced truncation reaction, transforming Cy7 into Cy5 when exposed to NIR light (780 nm). PACT was used in this study to monitor spatiotemporal migration of immune cells between tumor and Continue reading →

Optimization and fabrication of 780 nm DFB lasers for quantum systems

Presented in: SPIE Quantum West 2023 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Luukas Kuusela, Timo Aho, Petteri Uusimaa    Presented in: SPIE Quantum West 2023 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Luukas Kuusela, Timo Aho, Petteri Uusimaa   Laser diode solutions for quantum systems have highly variable requirements, depending on the technology and purpose of the laser used in the application – for instance, quantum control of particles or molecules and excitation of the quantum systems. Requirements of the laser systems used in the mentioned applications are highly demanding, such as single-mode operation, frequency stability over operation lifetime and narrow spectral linewidth. Narrow spectral linewidth can be achieved with Continue reading →

Cyanine Phototruncation Enables Spatiotemporal Cell Labeling

Published in: Journal of the American Chemical Society Authors: Hiroshi Fukushima, Siddharth S. Matikonda, Syed Muhammad Usama, Aki Furusawa, Takuya Kato, Lenka Štacková, Petr Klán, Hisataka Kobayashi, Martin J. Schnermann  Published in: Journal of the American Chemical Society Authors: Hiroshi Fukushima, Siddharth S. Matikonda, Syed Muhammad Usama, Aki Furusawa, Takuya Kato, Lenka Štacková, Petr Klán, Hisataka Kobayashi, Martin J. Schnermann In this study, phototruncation-assisted cell tracking (PACT) was developed to enable spatiotemporal tracking of immune cell populations in vivo. It is based on cyanine photoconversion reaction that leads to 2-carbon truncation and blue shift in the emission wavelength when irradiated with NIR light. ML6600 (780 nm) was used to induce photoconversion both in vitro and Continue reading →