Tag Archives: 660 nm

Fluorescence endoscopy

Fluorescence endoscopyFluorescence endoscopy is the latest advancement in endoscopy technology, which uses specialized dyes to highlight specific areas of interest and provide better visibility and image quality during procedures. This technology has revolutionized the way we view the inside of the body, enabling doctors to obtain more detailed images of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, bladder, and reproductive organs.Endoscopy Endoscopy is a powerful tool in diagnosing and treating a wide range of medical conditions. With its minimally invasive approach and high accuracy, it has become a Continue reading →

Individually addressable visible laser arrays for display and printing applications

Published in: SPIE LASE 2021 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Ville Vilokkinen, Ilpo Suominen, Soile Talmila, Jari Sillanpää, Petteri Uusimaa  Published in: SPIE LASE 2021 Authors: Riina Ulkuniemi, Ville Vilokkinen, Ilpo Suominen, Soile Talmila, Jari Sillanpää, Petteri Uusimaa Individually addressable laser diode arrays (IABs) are commercially demonstrated in the printing industry. These laser arrays are typically working at 8xx nm and 9xx nm wavelengths. Individually addressable laser diode arrays operating in visible region has been less reported and especially with limited commercial success. Yet, there is increasing interest in different variants of visible laser arrays not only in printing industry, but also in various display applications Continue reading →