Social responsibility

Social Responsibility

Laser family

Modulight is a work community with competent and enthusiastic workers and with an interest in continuous development and improvement. Modulight calls its personnel the #LaserFamily.

At the end of 2023, Modulight had 70 employees (2022: 62). Modulight’s excellent reputation as an employer supports recruitment, and excellent job satisfaction reduces need for recruitment. In the 2023 personnel survey, the job satisfaction value was 4.0 on a scale of 1–5 (2022: 4.1). Personnel turnover remained at a low level at 3.3% (5.4%).

Modulight’s social responsibility includes

  • passion for work: challenging and varied assignments in projects developing health and quantum technology
  • continuous renewal through continuous development of the offering and operations
  • respectful treatment of everyone is not compromised under any circumstances
  • product safety and reliability

Meaningful work

Modulight’s business requires special expertise, and the personnel’s level of education is high. Personnel development, promotion of career paths and adequate training opportunities help ensuring the motivation and well-being of personnel and maintaining Modulight’s product development and innovation ability.

Modulight actively cooperates with international research institutes and scientific communities through health technology-related projects and industry events. In this way, the personnel shares their expertise and at the same time get the necessary information to develop Modulight’s offering.

Target is zero accidents

Modulight provides a safe and healthy workplace for all employees and actively takes measures to prevent accidents and work-related illnesses. In Modulight’s production, the risk of accidents is low, and special attention is paid to working postures and ergonomics. All operations comply with occupational health and safety legislation and regulations. With the goal of zero accidents at work, all potential health and safety risks are requested to be reported immediately. In 2023, there were no serious accidents at work, and the sickness absence rate was 0.7% of all hours worked (in 2022: 0 accidents at work, sickness absence rate 0.9%).

Equal opportunities for everyone

Modulight is proud of its diversity. There are more than ten different nationalities and a fairly even gender balance in the company. All employees are offered equal opportunities and respectful treatment. Day-to-day activities are guided by the Code of Conduct, which is part of the induction process. The Code prohibits inappropriate behavior, discrimination, bullying and harassment. Modulight also adheres to these principles when working with customers and partners. In case of suspicion, the company has a Whistleblowing channel where one can anonymously report inappropriate behavior.

Product safety

Modulight’s risk management process for medical devices has been fully implemented in accordance with the ISO 14971 standard. Designing safe and efficient products considers applicable standards, such as electrical safety and laser safety standards, and appropriate product testing is performed to ensure product compliance.