Economic Responsibility
Value for all stakeholders
Modulight aims to ensure the continuity of its operations through profitable growth and to create value for all its stakeholders. High-quality products that meet the needs of customers are at the heart of the business.
The company also plays fair in sharing the benefits gained. Competitive remuneration is guaranteed for the employees and fair compensation for the delivered products and services for the partners. Modulight supports the society by providing jobs and meeting its tax obligations and by sharing its own expertise with research and educational institutions.
To ensure growth and profitability, Modulight follows its strategy based on trends in the operating environment, market expectations, and the company’s own skills and resources. As a growth company, Modulight seeks to increase its value by investing its profits in its operations, thereby increasing its market value and its attractiveness as an investment target. The dividend policy is therefore very moderate.
Standards support risk management
Ensuring the quality of products and production is a significant factor in developing profitability. So is reliable management, organized in accordance with the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act. Modulight complies with medical equipment standards and ISO standards. This also includes data protection and privacy, which ensure that customer and personal data is handled in accordance with the law.
Technology protected by patents
Modulight’s product development is globally unique. The company develops products and technologies at the interface of drugs and treatments for cancer and eye diseases, cloud-connected medical devices, and semiconductor and laser technologies. The solutions are based on Modulight’s own product platforms and technologies, actively protected by patents. The IPR portfolio is mainly built around cloud-connected treatment and diagnostic devices and related technologies, including business models and analytics. The company aims to protect its technology primarily in the United States and expands protection to Europe and Asia as needed.
Modulight has four valid US patents for a cloud-based remotely controlled medical laser device. In addition to these, the company has several patent families in the evaluation phase.
Supplier code of conduct
Modulight’s business is based on fair competition, zero tolerance for corruption and bribery, and preventing money laundering. The company adheres to strict anti-corruption practices and careful controls. In its risk management, Modulight has not identified any specific risk of corruption or bribery. In addition to laws, regulations and operational guidelines, the company’s operations are guided by its internal Code of Conduct.
Controlling the supply chain and ensuring its ability to deliver is part of risk management and ensuring continuity. Modulight works closely with its suppliers, striving for continuous improvement. The goal for 2023 was to get most of critical suppliers to commit to Modulight’s Code of Conduct, and approximately half of the suppliers defined as critical have now committed to the Code.