Tampere, March 14, 2002 – Modulight, Inc., a manufacturer of high-performance semiconductor components for optical fiber communication today announced a new family of laser chip products. The Fabry-Pérot laser chips, emitting at 1310 nm, are especially designed for uncooled transponders, transceivers and transmitters. The chips for 622 Mb/s, 1.25 Gb/s, 2.5 Gb/s and 10 Gb/s components are intended for short and intermediate reach applications like SONET/SDH and ATM data links and transceivers for Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Ethernet, OIF VSR-4, Fiber Channel, and InfiniBand. The 100 % tested 622 Mb/s, 1.25 Gb/s and 2.5 Gb/s chips are available in sample quantities immediately, 10 Gb/s FP lasers will be sampled to first customers by the end of Q2 2002.
The lasers show excellent high-temperature properties with characteristic temperature in excess of 85 K. Typical slope efficiency is 0.37 W/A at 25°C and 0.28 W/A at 85°C, reflecting the temperature stability of the chip. “The excellent high-temperature performance of these chips gives component manufacturers more freedom in package design, enabling new solutions in transceivers. The absence of thermoelectric cooler directly leads into reduced packaging cost, smaller power consumption and reduced footprint”, says Mr. Pekko Sipilä, Modulight’s Product Line Manager for transmitter lasers. “The growing transceiver market and intermixing of traditional telecom and datacom market segments have created interesting market opportunities for independent chip suppliers like Modulight.”
About Modulight, Inc.
Modulight, Inc. develops, manufactures, and markets high-performance optical semiconductor components for telecommunications. Modulight creates unique business advantages for component, subsystem and system manufacturers worldwide by offering flexible high performance products, advanced design capabilities, and extensive production capacity. Our products, based on semiconductor layers, are designed to increase the capacity and to enable the creation of flexible, scalable and cost-effective Metropolitan (METRO), Access and Enterprise networks.
Contact information
Modulight, Inc.
Mr. Seppo Orsila
Vice President
Tel: +358 20 743 9000
Fax: +358 20 743 9009