Competitive market situation
Modulight is a fully vertically integrated company with a unique value proposition and no direct competitors.
Succeeding on Modulight’s target market requires profound expertise in semiconductor laser technology, design and manufacture of medical devices and application know-how, including cloud-based services. Modulight is a fully vertically integrated company that has no direct competitors in these areas. Modulight also specializes in manufacturing compound semiconductor semiconductors, for which, according to the company, there are only a few companies in the world that have successfully specialized in this field.
Modulight’s competitors include producers of medical laser equipment, developers of medical platform solutions and semiconductor technology companies. Considering the limited product range of the companies operating on the market, Modulight believes that competition will arise mainly from other forms of treatment, such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy and surgery. These are supported by treatment forms provided by Modulight, such as photoimmunotherapy, rather than competing with them.