Modulight Spotlights: LASER-SHARP RESEARCH – December 2022
This month’s research spotlight goes to H. Wakiyama, H. Kobayashi, et al. at National Cancer Institute, USA. Their study, published in Cancer Immunology Research journal, looked into immunological mechanisms behind hyperprogressive disease. Immune checkpoint inhibitors, despite being a major success story in the field of cancer therapy, unfortunately lead to this rapid progression of cancer in some patients, for yet poorly understood reasons. To study this, the research team partially depleted cytotoxic T cells by photoimmunotherapy, using CD8-targeted IR700 dye and ML7710 medical laser at 690 nm. They found out that rapid tumor progression following PD-1 checkpoint blockage was associated with an imbalance in T cell populations, demonstrating a useful research model and potential marker for patient screening in the future.
Modulight is very happy to be supporting this research. We would like to deliver our warmest congratulations to the research team!
#LaserSharpResearch #photoimmunotherapy #IRDye700 #checkpointinhibitors #ML7710 #oncology
About Modulight’s LASER-SHARP RESEARCH concept:
Modulight has launched a concept where our scientific board highlights cutting-edge scientific research articles from our customers. Important selection criteria are that Modulight and laser product are mentioned in the publication, the impact and relevance of the results, clinical translatability, as well as scientific quality of the journal. The nominated research groups will be rewarded to encourage the great work done.
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Do you have questions or comments related to this LASER-SHARP RESEARCH nomination? Maybe your group has done significant research that your would like us to spotlight? Or would you like to request literature? Please drop us a line!