

Microscopy is the technical field of using microscopes to view objects and areas of objects that cannot be seen with the naked eye. There are three well-known branches of microscopy: optical, electron, and scanning probe microscopy, along with the emerging field of X-ray microscopy. Versatility and flexibility of microscopes is achieved by introducing multiple laser wavelengths to target existing and newly developed fluorophores.


Microscopy provides unparalleled insights into the micro-world, enabling high-resolution imaging for scientific research and medical diagnosis. One of the most significant breakthroughs in microscopy is the development of high-resolution and multi-modal imaging techniques. Techniques such as confocal microscopy, super-resolution microscopy, and multiphoton microscopy have significantly improved image clarity and detail.

Advancements in illumination techniques have played a crucial role in enhancing microscopy capabilities. Techniques such as fluorescence microscopy and light sheet microscopy enable researchers to visualize specific molecules or structures within biological samples with exceptional sensitivity and specificity. These techniques have revolutionized biomedical research by facilitating the study of dynamic processes within living organisms. Simultaneously, the demands on the laser light engines have increased. Modulight has gladly accepted the challenge and successfully responded to these growing needs.

Microscopy enables researchers and healthcare professionals to obtain detailed images of cells, tissues, and microorganisms, facilitating the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Whether examining tissue samples for cancerous cells or studying the structure of nanomaterials, microscopy continues to be an indispensable tool in advancing scientific knowledge and improving human health.

Fluorescence microscopy

❑ Confocal (laser scanning) microscopy is widely used in biomedical research
❑ Tissue or cell samples are labeled with fluorescent dyes that can be fluorescently identified or tracked even in live cells
❑ Images at different depths can be used to reconstruct extremely high-quality 3D images
❑ Main application fields are histopathology, immunofluorescence, and cellular biology

Why to choose Modulight for fluorescence microscopy:

❑ Single unit, multiple wavelengths
❑ Compactness
❑ Integration
❑ Miniaturization
❑ Tunable and scalable powers
❑ De-speckling
❑ Beam shaping optics
❑ Tailorable wavelengths to match all fluorophores

Modulight solution for microscopy

Modulight is specialized to provide whole illumination solution for microscopy, with all the needed wavelengths in a compact, easy-to-integrate single package, the ML6600 

Modulight Solution for Microscopy: ML6600

Modulight is specialized to provide whole illumination solution for microscopy, providing focused, noise-free, and monochromatic illumination.

The ML6600 for microscopy introduces a high level of integration and miniaturization of the light engine elements in microscope.

Optional fiber coupled solution enables easy optical integration.

Beam shaping optics and de-speckling can be integrated.

Maintenance service (i.e., annual calibrations) is easily supported thanks to the Cloud connectivity of ML6600.

Predictive maintenance is supported both on-site and off-site.

Cloud-powered laser solution platform ML6600 - easy to integrate

The multi-wavelength ML6600 platform integrates all the core optical elements into one single box providing the customer a single optical arrangement solution with all the most important wavelengths in a compact package. Product platform was originally launched in 2013. ML6600 can host different laser technologies (diode, fiber, DPSS). Wavelength can be tailored from UV up to 2 µm and power levels from mWs to Ws to your application.

  • Speed up your certification: designed in accordance to IEC 60601-1:
  • Safety features to support risk control measures of your medical system.
  • Manufactured in ISO13485 certified fab
  • ML6600 is a platform product, which enables flexible tailoring to OEM customers’ needs.
  • Preventive maintenance with predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms, powered by Modulight Cloud.
  • Applications of ML6600 include Microscopy, Flow Cytometry, Semiconductor Metrology, Quantum computing, Diagnostics, Genetics, etc.

  • Plug and play: included calibration data
  • Standard interlock interface
  • PC control interface
  • Preventive maintenance
  • External trigger
  • RS422 or Ethernet
  • Integrated laser driver
  • Passive or active integrated cooling
  • 1-8 output channels
  • Compact size & tailored mechanics
  • Tailorable for wide variety of applications
  • Environment & laser status

ML6600 is a completely customizable and easy-to-integrate laser platform.

Examples of supported wavelengths

Thanks to Modulight’s inhouse capabilities to manufacture lasers between UV and 2000+ nm, we can match these and many more fluorophore types, even uncommon and new ones.

Fluorophore Absorption (nm) Emission (nm)
Alexa Fluor 405 401 442
Pacific Blue 404 455
AmCyan 457 489
PerCP 477 678
EGFP 489 510
FITC 495 519
Alexa Fluor 488 499 520
7-AAD 543 647
Cy3 548 561
PE-Cy5 565 665
PE 566 576
PE-Cy7 566 778
Alexa Fluor 568 577 603
Alexa Fluor 594 590 618
APC 650 660
Alexa Fluor 647 653 668
Alexa Fluor 700 696 719
APC-Cy7 756 779
Alexa Fluor 790 782 805

Thanks to Modulight’s inhouse capabilities to manufacture lasers between UV and 2000+ nm, we can match these and many more fluorophore types, even tailored, uncommon and new dyes.

Fluorophore Absorption (nm) Emission (nm)
Indo-1 hi 223 403
Riboflavin 266 531
Cascade Yellow 277 548
Emerald 300 289 530
QDot 525 300 525
QDot 545 300 543
QDot 565 300 564
QDot 585 300 588
QDot 605 300 603
QDot 625 300 621
QDot 655 300 654
QDot 705 300 702
QDot 800 300 792
Fura-2 hi 336 505
FVS440UV 336 435
Alexa Fluor 350 342 441
Indo-1 lo 345–346 479
AMCA 346 442
BUV395 347 393
BUV496 350 491
BUV563 350 560
BUV615 350 661
BUV661 350 653
BUV737 350 732
PI 351 617
BUV805 352 803
Hoechst33258 352 455
DAPI 357–359 461
Methyl Coumarin 360 448
Marina Blue 364 460
Fura-2 lo 367 515
DyeCycle Violet 369 437
FVS575V 396 572
Cascade Blue 398 420
Calcein Violet AM 400 452
Pacific Orange 400 551
Alexa Fluor 405 401 442
BV510 402–407 510
FVS450 404 448
Pacific Blue 404 455
V450 405 450
BV711 405–408 710
BV570 407 573
BV605 407 601
BV650 407 646
BV786 407 786
BV750 407–408 745
BV421 408 421
V500 415 499
FVS510 418 509
Lucifer Yellow 428 544
Alexa Fluor 430 431 540
Fura Red Hi 434–435 666
ECFP 435 477
BV480 436 476
SYTOX Blue 445 470
AmCyan 457 489
DiA 457 586
Fura Red Lo 471 672
BB630P2 476 613
BB660P2 476 658
BB700 476 695
BB755P 476 758
PerCP 477 678
PerCP-Cy5.5 480–482 676
BB790P 485 784
DiO 489 506
EGFP 489 510
CF488A 489–490 516
BB515 490 513
FVS520 491 517
YO-PRO-1 491 506
YOYO-1 491 508
Calcein pH 9 493 514
Fluo-4 494 516
ZsGreen 494 516
FITC 495 519
Fluoro-Emerald 495 523
RB545 496 544
Rho110 497 520
Oregon Green 498 526
RB780 498 781
SYBR Green 498 522
Alexa Fluor 488 499 520
BODIPY 502 511
CyQUANT DNA 502 523
PicoGreen 502 522
Alexa Fluor 500 503 525
SYTOX Green 503 524
DyeCycle Green 506 534
Fluo-3 506 527
Na-Green 506 531
Magnesium Green 507 531
Rho123 507 529
Via-Probe Green 511 534
TOTO-1 514 531
EYFP 515 528
TO-PRO-1 515 531
DyeCycle Orange 519 563
6-JOE 520 548
FVS620 522 617
EB 523 604
Eosin 525 546
Alexa Fluor 532 528 552
BODIPY R6G 528 547
mBanana 540 553
7-AAD 543 647
SYTOX Orange 547 569
Cy3 548 561
mOrange 548 562
SNARF-1 (pH6) 549 586
DiI 551 569
CoralHue mk02 552 565
Kusabira-Orange 552 565
DsRED 553 585
FVS570 553 578
TMRho 553 581
CF555 554 568
dTomato 554 581
Cy3B 559 571
Nile Red 559 637
RY586 564 588
BYG584P 563–564 582
PE-Cy5 565 665
PE-Cy5.5 565 693
PE 566 576
PE-CF594 566 612
PE-Cy7 566 778
PE-Texas Red 566 616
mTangerine 568 585
Rhodamine Red 573 591
mStrawberry 574 596
SNARF-1 (pH9) 576 640
Cy3.5 576–579 589
Alexa Fluor 568 577 603
MitoTracker Red 578 598
mCherry 587 610
mPlum 587 650
Alexa Fluor 594 590 618
JC-1 593 595
Texas Red 595 613
mRaspberry 597 624
YOYO-3 612 631
YO-PRO-3 613 629
Phycocyanin 617 646
Alexa Fluor 633 631 647
Via-Probe Red 631 651
SYTOX Red 640 658
TO-PRO-3 642 657
TOTO-3 642 661
Cy5 647 662
DRAQ5 647 683
DiD 648 670
APC 650 660
CF647 652 668
Alexa Fluor 647 653 668
APC-R700 653 706
FVS660 656 670
FVS700 656 697
Alexa Fluor 660 663 691
CF660 666 685
Alexa Fluor 680 679 702
CF680 681 689
R718 694–697 715
Alexa Fluor 700 696 719
DiR 750 782
Alexa Fluor 750 752 779
Cy7 753 775
CF750 755 779
APC-Cy7 756 779
FVS780 757 778
APC-H7 759 782
CF770 770 797
Alexa Fluor 790 782 805

Read more:

Application note: Customized ML6600 for multimodal imaging microscope for tissue engineering applications

Customer needed a high-resolution 3D imaging microscope to visualize the development and composition of tissue constructs made by tissue engineering. Modulight developed a 3-wavelength illumination module based on ML6600 technology. ML6600-based illumination module was used for selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) with 488, 561, and 638nm lasers for efficient fluorophore excitation. Laser was specifically designed to be stable even at very low powers (<40 mW) to enable longer periods of continuous imaging without fast photobleaching and phototoxicity to the sample.

ML6600: Cloud-powered laser solution platform 

ML6600 is a compact, easy-to-integrate laser solution that can be flexibly tailored to various applications, such as Flow CytometrySemiconductor MetrologyQuantum ComputingDiagnosticsGenetics, and various medical applications.

It’s well suited for medical system integrators, as it’s designed in accordance with IEC 60601-1 norm. This will speed up the certification process. The lasers and the system are manufactured in ISO13485 certified fab.

Application note: Fluorescence imaging & endoscopy for tumor visualization and diagnostics

Endoscopic imaging is typically performed using normal white light. However, certain tumors can be difficult to detect under white light since all structures are illuminated without specificity to malignant lesions. Fluorescence endoscopy is for this reason increasingly used in cancer diagnostics and surveillance to improve detection of cancerous and precancerous lesions. Special fluorescent dyes are normally administered to patient and preferentially accumulate into malignant lesions and this way increase contrast between malignant and heathy tissues when excited when specific wavelength of light.

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